RIVERSIDE DANCE CLINIC PARENTS: Due to the cold, feel free to put a long sleeve shirt under the clinic shirts tomorrow. Leggings/sweatpants/joggers are recommended as well. See ya'll at 7pm in the multipurpose room💙🏈
over 5 years ago, Marlin Roach
Seniors and senior parents mark your calendars - October 17th at 6pm is our Senior/Parent Financial Aid Night! Joshua North, Financial Aid Director - will present information about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the types of financial aid your student can receive from post-secondary schools, including technical schools, community college and 4 year colleges/universities. Also, Mrs. Vertin will present information about the post-secondary planning process, scholarships, etc.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
All Riverside USD 114 schools will be engaged in a crisis response drill this morning. This is only a drill to train students and staff in crisis response procedures. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Kindergarten Parents: Thursday's field trip to the Red Barn has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, the 9th, due to the weather forecast for Thursday. Again, Thursday's field trip is moved to tomorrow, Wednesday the 9th. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The book fair is set up and ready for shopping. We also have an online fair going for the next 3 weeks. You may shop online for tons of additional items and they will be shipped directly to your home. We still earn credit just like we would if you come shop at our library! Here is the link https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/riversideschoolwestcampus2 Just click on Riverside West Campus - Wathena and begin shopping. Thank you for supporting our schools fall Scholastic Book Fair! We appreciate it!
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson
book fair
book fair
book fair
book fair
Riverside wins 51-12 last night over ACCHS, improving to 4-1. Big game at home next week against Nemaha Central!
over 5 years ago, Marlin Roach
Cyclones up 38-6 at the half at ACCHS.
over 5 years ago, Marlin Roach
With fall approaching it is time to test our emergency messaging system to see if parents and staff are receiving messages in the manner they wish. If there is a weather or other type of message that would require quick notification please verify that the method that you received notification on after 4:30 pm today (Friday the 4th) is how you would like to be notified. If you would like changes made, or did not receive a message and wish to, please email lrullman@usd114.org or phone 785.989.4426 extension 190.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Riverside XC runners Carter Hewins (middle school) and Hayden Daugherty (high school) competed at Perry Lecompton Thursday. The location of the course was moved to Perry Lake State Park in Ozawkie due to flooding of the original course. This course was much better and more closely represented what would be considered a true cross country course with narrow trails, winding route, mud, hills and not on a golf course. It was a beautiful day to run as well and both athletes took advantage of the great competition. There were 16 schools at the meet from all over the state and ranging from 5A to 1A schools. Carter ran well, recording almost a minute personal best finishing the 2 mile race in 11:25 and Hayden fought some challenges in a large, tough field finishing just over 23 minutes (23:02) for the course. Overall it was a good day for these guys and we're looking forward to next race at Sabetha and potentially having Laci back to run with us. Photos: Carter Hewins competes hard to catch another runner. Hayden Daugherty leads a group of runners through the middle of his race.
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson
XC meet
XC Meet
RMS students should be dropped off on 11th Street (the far east side of the campus). The alley from 12th street will also not be available.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The East Campus parking lot south of the new gym will be closed starting at 7 am tomorrow (Friday the 4th) for resurfacing. You will need to find alternate parking for a few days until this project is complete.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
2019 Kansas Honor Scholars. Top 10% of the class of 2020. Congratulations!! Kaitlyn Geeting, Bradley Libel, Danielle MacKnight, Lauryn O’Grady, Trinity Waitt,
over 5 years ago, Marlin Roach
Kansas Honor Scholars
The Superintendent's Community Update is now available at this link: https://www.smore.com/0y862-superintendent-s-community-update Check it out to see the progress that is being made on building repairs.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The Doniphan County Health Department will be giving flu shots at the Riverside West Campus in Wathena tomorrow, October 2nd, from 12:30-1:30 pm. Shots will also be available at the East Campus on Monday, October 7th, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. If you, or anyone in your household is interested, you can pick up a consent form and information sheet at either school. The forms are also available on the Health Dept. website. If you have any questions, please call the school at 785-989-4425 or the Health Dept. at 785-985-3591.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
This deadline has been extended through tomorrow, October 2nd: Please return your form by tomorrow. The Riverside Dance team will be hosting a clinic for students in Pre-K through 8th grade. The performance will be at halftime during the October 11th game, against Nemaha Central. Practice will take place at 5:30-7:00 p.m., on October 7th, in the Wathena gym. The cost is $20; that covers snacks and a t-shirt for your student.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The K 2 Field trip to the 4H grounds on Wednesday, Oct. 6th (tomorrow) has been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Riverside USD 114
October Newsletter
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson
This school year Riverside Middle School is developing a new format for parent-teacher conferences. They will be student led! Please read the letter from Mr. Hampton for more details. This letter will also be mailed out to anyone that has a Middle School student.
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson
Middle School conferences letter
Two of the Riverside XC athletes competed at the Nemaha Central Cross Country Invitational on Thursday at the Spring Hill Golf Course in Seneca. The weather finally gave us a break and both runners had the opportunity to compete against some strong competition on a beautiful day. Carter Hewins began the afternoon with the 8th grade 2 mile race. He ran well, earning a medal by placing 5th in the meet with a time of 12:39. Hayden Daugherty was next to run and did very well placing 21st in the varsity race, earning a medal with a time of 20:52. Images: Carter Hewins gets off to a great start in his race. Hayden Daugherty comes across the bridge headed to the finish line
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson
Carter Hewins XC meet
Hayden Daugherty XC meet
Your child's attendance at school is very important. Please watch this video to find out why every single day at school is needed for your child to be successful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=hEDQWgvJwHU
over 5 years ago, Hillary Wilson