We are looking for volunteers!

Concerts at school? Seems bizarre right? Well, at Riverside High School on Tuesday, August 3rd, there was a mini concert. Donphian West and Troy joined us in listening to the MVP Production! They gave a fantastic message in an entertaining way so that everyone listened. According to Isaac, “The message was heard through their music”. As all three singers shared their personal testament with a song, the crowd became mesmerized. Singing and rapping put a new perspective on a tough situation. Everyone was involved, clapping and jumping along with the music. Wanna listen to what Doniphan County schools witnessed? Give Nextera Music a try!
Article by Kaitlyn Geeting
Photos by Laura Benitz

School picture day is Wednesday, September 18th! Students will be sent home with order forms. If you'd like to order before Picture Day visit mylifetouch.com with your Picture Day ID. Please see the ID's below.
Primary: EVTQ3BDDP
Intermediate/Middle School: EVTH3FQRS
High School: EVT2TCWHH

September 2019 Newsletter

September Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Riverside USD 114 has made a few revisions to some of the AM and PM bus routes. Please double check your child’s AM bus stop times and the PM drop off order and locations to verify the time and place for tomorrow, Friday, August 23rd as some times have changed in the mornings and drop off order and locations in the afternoon. Thank you.
Use this link to view the changes: https://5il.co/9pfk

The 2019-2020 Riverside USD 114 bus routes and bus stops are posted on the USD 114 webpage at https://5il.co/9luz. Please have your child meet the bus at the designated bus stop closest to your home or your other designated pick up location. In addition, unless you have notified the school otherwise, this is the same location your child will be dropped off in the afternoon. For student safety purposes, the school will only transport authorized riders on each bus route. Bus riders are required to ride their assigned bus unless their parent or guardian provides the building office with a signed note and it is approved by the building principal. Non bus riders must also have written permission approved by the offices in order to ride. Example: Sally rides bus 4 and is having two friends, Becky & Debbie, spend the night on Friday. Becky does not usually ride a bus so she will need parental permission to ride bus 4 with Sally. Debbie does ride a bus, but usually bus 2, so she will also need parental permission to ride bus 4. Sally is riding her usual bus so does not need anything extra. In the event that you have not signed your child up to ride a school bus, please call your child’s school to complete a student bus form.

Primary Building Open House

The 2019-2020 Riverside USD 114 bus routes and bus stops are posted on the USD 114 webpage at www.usd114.org. Please have your child meet the bus at the designated bus stop closest to your home or your other designated pick up location. In addition, unless you have notified the school otherwise, this is the same location your child will be dropped off in the afternoon. For student safety purposes, the school will only transport authorized riders on each bus route. Bus riders are required to ride their assigned bus unless their parent or guardian provides the building office with a signed note and it is approved by the building principal. Non bus riders must also have written permission approved by the offices in order to ride.
Example: Sally rides bus 4 and is having two friends, Becky & Debbie, spend the night on Friday. Becky does not usually ride a bus so she will need parental permission to ride bus 4 with Sally. Debbie does ride a bus, but usually bus 2, so she will also need parental permission to ride bus 4. Sally is riding her usual bus so does not need anything extra.
In the event that you have not signed your child up to ride a school bus, please call your child’s school to complete a student bus form.

Football practice will start tomorrow, August 19th at 6:30 am for an hour walk-through. There will be a second practice at 4:00 pm. Both will be in Wathena. Physicals and concussion forms need to be signed and turned in. See you in the morning!

Middle School sports practices:
Middle school girls start volleyball practice Monday, August 19th, from 3:30-5:30pm.
Riverside Middle School football will start practice on Monday, August 19th from 3:30 to 5:30pm at the East campus. Athletes should wear a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats if they have them. Otherwise, bring shoes not flip flops. Tuesday will be at the same time, same place. Wednesday's practice will start shortly after school until 5:30pm. If students didn't get their physical at school in May, then make sure that is taken care of before they can practice.

The first day of school is quickly approaching!! Please remember to complete your Online Registration for your student if you haven't already done so! Visit our website: usd114.org Click on the Explore tab, select Parents & Students & choose the link to register online.

Pre-K through 8th grade teachers received training in our new social/emotional learning resource. The program, Lions Quest, is sponsored by Lions Club International.

Riverside High School New Student and Freshmen orientation is tonight (Thursday) August 15th, at 7 pm in the Riverside High School Auditorium.

Riverside Middle School Volleyball practices start Monday, August 19th. They will last from 3:30-5:30pm.

August 2019 Breakfast & Lunch Menus are now available. You can also find the menus on our website under the Explore tab! Visit usd114.org and click explore and then select Menus.

May 2019 Seniors, if you have not picked up your diploma, you may do so in the Riverside High School office. If you owe money, you will need to bring payment before receiving your diploma. If you are unable to pick up your diploma, make a request to the High School office by calling 785-989-4426, and we will mail it to you.

Riverside High School will be a player's/ parent’s meeting for all high school football players tomorrow, Thursday, August 8th. The meeting will be at 6 p.m. in the West Campus Cafeteria.

Check out the August PAT Group Connection event!

Riverside USD 114 is accepting applications for a Substitute Teachers for the 2019-20 school year. If you have 60 or more college hours, you are qualified to apply for your Emergency Substitute Teaching License through KSDE. For more information contact Vicki Wyatt, PR/HR/BOE Clerk. Phone 913-365-5632 or email vwyatt@cyclones114.org EOE