The links below include slides with helpful tips regarding Online Registration & Payments.

Riverside parents, you may start registering your student for school this year by utilizing your Riverside School District 114 online school portal access. Household information and personal information will be updated by online submission this year. You may get a head start by completing this portion of the registration process before coming to your student's school to complete enrollment, or you may utilize the computers at the school to update your information when you come to register.
Your portal login information is as follows: Access the site at https://riversideks.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/riverside.jsp Click on "Campus Parent" and then enter your current parent portal information or click on "New User" and use your personal id number as your activation key to access your account. ( email lrullman@usd114.org or hwilson@usd114.org to obtain this number) You are a Campus Portal user if you had an account to check student grade and fee information last year. Entering your data at last year's registration did not create you as a portal user and you will need to click on "New User".
On the portal site you will be able to update your information as well as view your student's grades, fee balances, lunch account activities, calendar items, and pay fees and lunch balances online. Paying online adds a 4.9% convenience fee. This fee is charged to us to offer this option and is paid to the processing vendor and not the district. On this site you will also enter changes to household phone numbers, address information, and update emergency and pickup contacts. If your mailing address differs from your physical address, please enter both and designate them as to what they are.
Only one login is necessary to access all of your childrens' information. Once you have accessed the site for the first time you will use your account information to enter the site and will not need your activation key a second time.
Call the HS office number at 785-989-4426 extension 190 to access technology support if you have any questions or need help setting up the account, or email lrullman@usd114.org or hwilson@usd114.org

This information was distributed to us this week by KDHE and KSDE. Effective Tuesday, August 2, 2019 the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is implementing new vaccination requirements. Two new vaccines have been added and will be required for school-age children for the 2019-2020 school year – meningococcal and Hepatitis A. Your student may already meet these requirements, check with your doctor if you have any questions about whether your student needs additional vaccinations.

Riverside Middle School Cheer Camp will be held August 5th-7th 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in the East Campus new gym.

Riverside Preschool will be having a Screening day on Monday, July 29th. Any student living in the Riverside School District, who will be four by August 31, 2019 may sign up to attend. This is for children that have not previously been screened. Children must have a screening before enrolling in Riverside Preschool. We will not be doing screenings at enrollment. Please call the district office at 913-365-5632 to schedule an appointment.

2019-2020 School Fees

2019-2020 3rd Grade Orientation Information
Orientation will take place Thursday, August 15, 2019.

Board of Education Meeting
The July 2019 Regular Board of Education Meeting is rescheduled to Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 5:30 pm. The meeting location will be at the District Office, 1409 Vermont, Elwood, KS 66090.

Don't miss this!

2019-2020 School Supply List

Riverside USD 114 is accepting applications for a Primary ½ time Pre-school Teacher certified to teach in Kansas or the willingness to obtain Kansas certification for the 2019-20 school year. If interested please fill out the certified application on the Riverside website at www.usd114.org . Once on the site go to the District Office Tab, Employment, print off a certified staff application and return it to the Riverside District Office, Attn: Vicki Wyatt, PO Box 49, Elwood, KS 66024 or email to vwyatt@usd114.org . Also include a copy of your cover letter, resume, official college transcripts, current Teaching License, and 4 letters of reference. For additional information call 913-365-5632.

There is a middle school volleyball scrimmage at Doniphan West High School Wednesday, June 12th at 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Please be there at 5:15 pm. This is for upcoming 7th and 8th graders.

Riverside USD 114 is accepting applications for a Full Time Primary Para for the 2019-20 school year with start date in August of 2019. Deliver Support Staff Application to Vicki Wyatt, PR/HR/BOE Clerk, Riverside USD 114 District Office, PO Box 49, 1409 Vermont, Elwood, KS 66024. Phone 913-365-5632 or email vwyatt@cyclones114.org EOE

The high school summer weights programs starts tomorrow, June 3rd. Boys will be from 6:30-8:00 am and and the girls will be from 8:00-9:00 am. Reminder for boys who are going to the Benedictine football camp, the deposit and form must be turned in to coach Paden by tomorrow if you are planning on going.

There is a football meeting tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 am for high school players. The meeting is in Elwood at the East Campus gym.

2019-2020 RHS cheerleaders: There will be a parents' meeting Tuesday, May 28th, at 6:30PM in the West campus auditorium. All cheerleaders and parents are encouraged to attend.

Riverside USD 114 is accepting applications for the following coaching positions: Asst. HS Volleyball, Head MS Volleyball, Head & Asst. HS Football, Asst. HS Boys Basketball, Head MS Girls and Boys Basketball, Head MS Wrestling, Head HS Softball, & Asst. HS Cheerleading. Deliver Support Staff Application to Vicki Wyatt, PR/HR/BOE Clerk, Riverside USD 114, PO Box 49, 1409 Vermont, Elwood, KS 66024. Phone 913-365-5632 or email vwyatt@cyclones114.org EOE

Any current 6th through 11th grade students that are interested in the biology trip to Florida next June should attend an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday May 15th, in the middle school science room at 6pm.

The Riverside boys' baseball team will be playing their regional games this afternoon at Maur Hill High School in Atchison. Game time is 3:30 pm. If the team wins the two games today, they will advance to the regional finals at Sabetha on Thursday, May 16th.

Due to wet field conditions, today's regional softball games scheduled at Atchison, have been moved to Wednesday, May 15th at 3 pm.