​Parents of Riverside High School baseball and softball student-athletes will be recognized during home games on Thursday, April 25th, when Riverside will host Nemaha Central. The softball parent's recognition will be held between the two varsity softball games at approximately 5:30 pm. The baseball parent's recognition will be held between the two varsity baseball games at approximately 6:30 pm.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The RHS Booster Club is hosting a banquet and awards night on Friday, May 3, to honor and recognize all high school student-athletes (cross country, volleyball, football, wrestling, basketball, track, softball, baseball, cheer, and dance). Dinner will be at 6:00 pm, with Awards Program to follow at approximately 7:00 pm. All Riverside High School student-athletes, including managers, and coaches that RSVP will be provided dinner. All other guest dinners are $13 each. All attending the dinner MUST RSVP by April 26. RSVP and payment may be turned in to the high school office. Cake and drinks will be available to all attending the awards program.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The start time for the Riverside High School softball games for tomorrow (Friday, April 12th) have been moved up 30 minutes. Instead of starting at 4:30 pm, games will now start at 4:00 pm. These games are against Maur Hill and will be played in Atchison at the Sports Complex. The complex is located west of Atchison Elementary School, which is located at 825 North 17th Street in Atchison, Kansas.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
This is a reminder Back to Basics baseball and softball clinic will be held tomorrow, Wednesday April 10th. Please send your student with their glove and helmet is recommended. Students in grades K-2 that have signed up will be transported by bus to the East Campus.Students grades 3-8 will remain on the East Campus for the clinic following school. At the conclusion of the clinic, participants will be either picked up in Elwood at the gym or bussed back to Wathena at 6:15 for pick up. In an effort to make pick up run more smoothly, please contact the office IF you would like your student bussed back to Wathena. It will be assumed all other students will be picked up on the east campus by 6:15. You can reach the Primary office at: 785-989-4425 or the Intermediate office at ‭(913) 365-6735‬.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Riverside Preschool Roundup will be Monday, May 13th from 8:30-2:30. Any student living in the Riverside School District, who will be 3 by August 31, 2019 may sign up to attend. Please call the primary office at 785-989-4425 to schedule an appointment. We will do a developmental screening as well as hearing and vision. We will have a speech pathologist and an occupational therapist to address any speech or fine motor concerns.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The Riverside USD 114 board meeting scheduled for Monday, April 8th, has been rescheduled to Tuesday April 9th. The meeting will be held at the same time and place (5:30 pm at the board office). Audio attendance is available utilizing the information from the following link: https://www.usd114.org/domain/289
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
‼️Attention‼️ The Back to the Basics clinic held by the Riverside High School baseball team will be re-scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th at the east campus. The clinic will be from 3:45 p.m.-6:00 p.m. The students from the west campus will be shuttled by bus to the east campus after school. Students participating from the east campus will remain there until the clinic begins. There will be two pick-up points at 6:15 p.m. If you wish to pick up your child in Elwood, they can be picked up from the east campus. There will also be a bus to transport students back to the Wathena campus for pick-up. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility during this process! Go Cyclones! 🌪
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Riverside USD 114 will be moving grades 3-8 back to the East Campus this weekend. The school is in need of volunteers on Saturday morning beginning at 8:00 am on the West Campus in Wathena. All volunteers should sign in with Mr. Blair in front of the high school gym prior to moving items from the West Campus or from the First Baptist Church back to the East Campus. Trucks, trailers, and large SUV’s are needed. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Sample phone post
almost 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Missouri River flooding
Nature Center as an island
All Riverside students will be attending school in the Wathena learning locations next week from Monday, March 25th, until Friday, March 29th. In addition, the bus routes will be operating the same as last week with buses picking students up at their bus stops in Elwood and dropping middle school students off at the First Baptist Church in the mornings. After school, bus routes 4 and 5 will be dropping students off at the East Campus after school.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
March 23, 2019 Dear Riverside USD 114 Community, As I have said so many times, the towns of Elwood and Wathena are wonderful places to live and raise families. On behalf of Riverside USD 114 and the Board of Education, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped our school during the recent flood evacuation and relocation of students. Our school is very blessed to have such a supportive school community. Our district has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from parents, volunteers, the Cities of Elwood and Wathena, Elwood and Wathena Police Departments, Doniphan County Sheriff’s Department, Kansas Highway Patrol, Elwood and Wathena fire departments, the Missouri Air National Guard, Doniphan County Emergency Management, Kansas Emergency Management, members of the Elwood Gladden Drainage District, our local businesses, and our local churches. It has been great to see so many people working together to battle the floodwaters to protect our community, specifically our East Campus in Elwood as well the homes and businesses of many of our families. Please know that we are grateful to each and every one of you for supporting our students and staff during this time. Riverside has been privileged to work side by side with you in our school family. None of our students could accomplish great things without the assistance of all of us working together to relocate them and support them. We are hopeful that the threat of flooding in Elwood and east Wathena will be short-lived and we can resume our normal operation in the near future. If anyone encounters problems the school can help with, please contact our administration and we will work closely with you as partners to provide assistance. Over the past week, I have witnessed two towns come together as one community who cares about its members. Please know that you are greatly appreciated. Your support means so very much to the young people in our schools. Warmest Regards, Robert W. Blair, Superintendent
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The Riverside High School baseball game at home versus Fall City that was on the schedule for Tuesday, March 26th, is now being played on Monday, March 25th. Start time will be 4:30 pm. There will be only one varsity game played. There will be no junior varsity game.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
This weekend's drama production of Romeo and Juliet, originally scheduled for Frdiay, March 22nd through Saturday, the 23rd, has been postponed to a date to be determined. Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Parents of East Campus students, the following information is in effect until students return to the East Campus location. Starting tomorrow morning, parents who need to contact the middle school and intermediate office should call 785-850-0306 for attendance and questions that need to be addressed by that office. Parents who need to contact the students’ intermediate teachers during the school day should contact the primary office number at 785-989-4425. Parents with students in grades 6-8 dropping off kids at the First Baptist Church in Wathena should follow these instructions. Student should be dropped off at the 3rd Street basement door and all cars should be facing north when they drop off students, south bound cars should not be dropping off students. Parents should not drive or park in the alley beside the church. Riverside Middle School students participating in track will have track practices after school next week on the west campus until 4:30 pm. Parents can pick those students up on the west campus at 4:30 pm.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Reminder: Riverside USD114 parents: Due to the river stage forecast of over 30 feet for next week, all students in grades 3-8 and the alternative school students will be having classes in Wathena. Grades 3-5 can be dropped off at the west campus in Wathena on the primary side beginning at 7:15 am. Grades 6-8 can be dropped off at the 1st Baptist Church in Wathena at 407 North 3rd Street. All students will attend school from 7:55 am to 3:15 pm. Students in grades 3-5 can be picked up at 3:15 pm on the west campus on the primary side, students in grades 6-8 can be picked up at 3:15 pm at the 1st Baptist Church on 3rd Street, do not drive or park in the alley. All morning bus routes will run as normal and pick students up at the regular stops in both communities. East campus students who normally walk can meet buses at the East Campus at 7:25 am to take the bus to the West Campus. Alternative school will be held at the Wathena Community Building, but students should be dropped off at the West campus in the morning to be transported to and from that building. Any East Campus students who have personal belongings may come to the East Campus tomorrow between 9 am and noon to retrieve any personal belongings in their lockers or classroom.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Riverside Middle School students participating in track will have track practices after school next week on the west campus until 4:30 pm. Parents can pick those students up on the west campus at 4:30 pm. Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Riverside School parent-teacher conferences for all grades are happening tonight, Thursday, March 14th. West Campus hours are from 3:30 -7:30 pm and for East Campus 3:45 pm - 7:45 pm.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
Student safety is our number one priority.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114
The Riverside USD 114 School District will be holding meetings for the purpose of educating the public on the need for the Capital Outlay Levy, which will also include a designated time for questions from the patrons of the District.
about 6 years ago, Riverside USD 114